LATTER DAY SAINTS ARRIVE. ~ Annual Conference Convenes in Independence April 6.

March 12, 1908

Annual Conference Convenes in Inde-
pendence April 6.

The advance guard has begun to arrive for the annual conference of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Independence. The conference, which is attended by several hundred delegates, convenes April 6 in the Saints' church and this year the attendance will be unusually large. The twelve apostles, or quorum of twelve, commenced its duties yesterday and will hold daily sessions until the opening conference day.

The head of the church is the first presidency, Joseph Smith, his son, F. M. Smith, and R. C. Evans of Toronto, Canada, compose the first presidency. Joseph Smith and his son, Frederick, are residents of Independence.

The twelve are W. H. Kelley, Lamoni, Ia.; J. W. Wright of Indiana; S. A. Smith of California; H. P. Smith of Lamoni, Ia.; Homer Griffith of Columbus, O.; S. W. Sheehy of Utah; C. H. Butterworth of Adelaide, Australia; J. W. Rushton of Leeds, England; Peter Anderson, Sweden; W. W. Greene, Kirtland, O.; J. N. White of Indiana.

The Reorganized church, commonly called the Josephites, are distinct from the Brighamites of the Utah church, and there is very little affiliation in a religious way, between the two bodies. The headquarters of the Reorganized church is at Lamoni, Ia.