The Finishing Touches Are Being
Made at Fairmount Park.
More men have been employed to prepare the flower beds and other things which will beautify Fairmount park on its opening day, next Sunday. The frosts of the last few days destroyed many of the flowers, but making inroads upon the various greenhouses, new flowers have been procured to take the place of the ones that were killed. The park this year is to be prettier than ever. More care has been taken of the lawns and trees, the buildings have received new coats of paint and many new electrical effects have been added.
Among the unique attractions at the park this year is to be a "goat farm," where a number of goats will be kept. H. O. Wheeler's band will furnish the music for the park, while Albert's orchestra will be in the dancing pavilion. The outdoor skating rink, which is to be one of the features of the park this summer, is nearly finished.