And This Honest Boy Turned It Over
to the Police.
The treasure of some modern Captain Kidd in a Weary Willie vase was shoved under Lieutenant Heydon's nose by a 10-year-old boy last night at No. 4 police station.
"Here's something I 'spect you want," the boy said, relieving himself of a rusty, earth-covered tin can.
"Are you kiddin' kid?" the lieutenant wanted to know, as he cocked his eye to get a view of the contents. Something looked like gold, and the officer drew the can to him. Emptied on the desk the can's contents proved to be four ladies' gold watches, three gold breastpins, one gold cross, one gold necklace, one silver cuff link.
The lad, who was John E. Linings, a stepson of Charles Bassott, 317 East Nineteenth street, found the jewelry about 7:30 o'clock in the evening while digging for fishing worms in a vacant lot at the northeast corner of Nineteenth and McGee streets. No part of the jewelry was identified last night. It evidently was not new jewelry and had been in the ground for some time.