Friends of Colonel Jewett Help Him
Celebrate an Anniversary.

A number of friends of Colonel E. S. Jewett assembled last Wednesday night at the residence of A. E. Holmes, son-in-law of the colonel, to pay their respects to Colonel Jewett on his 70th aniversary. A number of speeches eulogistic of the life and action of Colonel Jewett were made. A most enjoyable evening was passed by the participants. Among those present, including the honored guest, were Rev. Dr. William H. Black of Marshall, Mo., Dr. J. D. Griffith, Dr. Samuel Ayres, E. I. Farnsworth, George H. Foote, George W. Hagenbuch, B. H. Payne, general agent Missouri Pacific Railway Company, St. Louis, Mo.; H. N. Garland, Samuel G. Warner, George W. Jones, Charles A. Young and Albert Holmes.
The house was beautiful decorated with flowers and ferns, and the table with it floral decorations was a work of art. George H. Foote acted as toastmaster, and all of the participants made speeches during the evening, which were received by the guest of honor and others with great enthusiasm, the general sentiment being expressed that all of those present might be able to be present upon the anniversary of the 100th birthday of Col. Jewett.