End Comes to Woman Who Existed
on Crackers and Water.
After having lived on "crackers and water and the power of God" for a week, Miss Kate Thuey, found in a precarious condition in her room at 722 Campbell street, Saturday afternoon, died at the general hospital yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Miss Thuey was in a dying condition when taken into the hospital and she steadily grew worse. Dr. G. B. Thompson, coroner, pronounced her death due to starvation and kidney trouble. In her stomach there was found a quantity of undigested crackers and nothing more.
Miss Thuey has two sisters living in this city, Mrs. John Owens, 2601 Independence avenue, and Mrs. Lucy Mahoney of Twenty-fifth street and Prospect avenue. These sisters had lost trace of her some years ago. At that time she began to appear dissatisfied with her home life and would have nothing to do with her family. After she let home she kept in communication with her sisters and family for a few months only . Mrs. Owens said she had done everything to find out her sister's whereabouts but was unable to.
The first they heard of her for five years was the account of her demented condition in yesterday's Journal. Mrs. Owens told the coroner that at all times her sister and herself had been anxious to help Miss Thuey, but that she consistently refused to accept any aid. It was said that she is supposed to have about $3,000 in a bank in Kansas city, that sum being her share of her father's estate. This has not been ascertained as a fact; the abject state of poverty in which the woman was found by the police would not substantiate the theory.
The sisters of Miss Thuey put forward the theory that in her demented state the woman had become a miser and was hording away her meager earnings.