RAN HIMSELF TO DEATH. ~ Sport of Cruel Boys Led to Tragedy in a Cat's Life.

June 5, 1908

Sport of Cruel Boys Led to Tragedy
in a Cat's Life.

A little black cat which A. G. Lackey, 421 West Thirty-fifth street, owned is dead. This will perhaps be good news for the gang of hoodlums that tied a can to the tail of "Blackie" and laughed to see him run. After the cat got out of range he kept on running, judging from his appearance, and he got as far as his home several times.

"He would not let any of us go near him," said Mr. Lackey. "Unlike a dog, which, similarly treated, runs home for help, a poor cat seems to lose faith in all human beings after being put to torture. So my poor old pet simply ran himself to death trying to get away from that, to him, terrible instrument that was trying to beat him to death. 'Blackie' came home at last to stay, and he died the next day. I have only one regret to add to the one about his death -- I wish the whole army of boys who think it sport to impose on a cat or a dog could have seen the dismay expressed in the eyes of that unfortunate cat as he dragged itself to my feet to lie there and die. They would be friends of dumb beasts the balance of their lives.

"Poor old 'Blackie,' he never hurt a boy in all his little useful life, and yet boys killed him."