BOOZE CLAIMS TWO MORE. ~ Victims of Whisky Habit Die in Emergency Hospital.

July 12, 1908

Victims of Whisky Habit Die in
Emergency Hospital.

Two deaths occurred in the emergency hospital last night, and alcohol was the immediate cause of each death. W. Morris, 26 years old, Twenty-fourth and Summit streets, was a patient at St. Margaret's hospital, Kansas City, Kas., and was sent to this city to be placed in the city holdover for safekeeping. Later he was taken to the emergency hospital. It is said he was in the hait of consuming one uart of whisky a day.

H. P. Kemper, 305 Walnut street, was taken from Scott's saloon, Third and Walnut streets, to the emergency hospital. The physicians were not able to make a definite diagnosis of his ailment. Kemper died while having a spasm rought on from acute alcholism or morphia poisoning.