Paul Swanson Said Harry Pulliam
Had Wronged His Sweetheart.
Because he wanted to be gallant to his sweetheart whom he thought to have been insulted by Harry Pulliam, a married man, Paul Swanson, 20 years old, of 805 Colorado avenue, Kansas City, Kas., yesterday wrote a rash letter that acted like a boomerang. In it was expressed a regular ultimatum. He said he would shoot Pulliam on sight if he would not meet him in an honorable duel with pistols at ten paces. Pulliam was alive and well at a late hour last night. Swanson was angrily pacing the concrete floor of an iron bound den at police headquarters. He will be turned over to the federal authorities Monday, charged with sending a threatening letter through the mails.
"I told him I would kill him," he exclaimed between his clenched teeth to the officers who took him in charge "He's a cowardly cur. My girl went to his place to take care of his sick wife. She went there like a good Samaritan into a den of reptiles. She is a pure child, loved and respected by everyone who knows her. Pulliam is a contemptible ingrate and worse. If we meet at all it must be for the final struggle, for I will kill him on sight."
Ethel Hicks, 16 years old, is the sweetheart of Swanson. She appeared in the Wyandotte county attorney's office yesterday afternoon and swore out a warrant for Pulliam, who lives at 235 Forest avenue. Pulliam had not been arrested last night.