GYPSY KING MOVES HIS THRONE. ~ Yohanowic Is Told by Police to Get Out of Town.

July 9, 1908

Yohanowic Is Told by Police to Get
Out of Town.

The throne of Peter Yohanowic, King of the Gypsies -- at least those encamped in Wyandotte county -- is tottering. This announcement coming so soon after the birth of an heir to the throne, which event was celebrated only a couple of days ago, will doubtless occasion some surprise, but the present peril in which the house of Yohanowic stands is not due to any revolutionary movement on the parts of the king's subjects. The Gypsies are still loyal to his majesty King Peter, but yesterday two policemen, just ordinary every day coppers, called upon his highness in the royal 6x8 canvas palace at Eighteenth street and Everett avenue, and served notice upon the king and his followers that they would have to "hike" from their present location. King Peter only smiled when the drilling proclamation was read to him, and without protest promised to go. In the afternoon the house of Yohanowic was moved to a vacant plot of ground in old Kerr's park just outside city limits.

The clash between the police and King Peter was occasioned by numerous complaints filed with Chief of Police D. E. Bowden by people living in the vicinity of the former Gypsy camp. Members of the Gypsy band have been working that section of the city with a fortune telling stunt Women claim they have been annoyed by the fortune tellers and in some instances badly frightened. One woman stated that after she had given a Gypsy 50 cents for the telling of her fortune she demanded that she be given a pair of lace curtains which adorned one of the windows in the ho use Upon being refused she declared she would cast a spell over the woman and her children. Several instances of this kind have been reported and Chief Bowden decided to move the king and his people outside the city limits.