NEWSBOYS AT FAIRMOUNT PARK. ~ Were the Guests of Union's President and Park Management.

July 9, 1908

Were the Guests of Union's President and
Park Management.

As the guests of President Sam Milinkowsky and the officials at Fairmount park, about 100 newsboys, members of the Newsboys' Union No. 1, enjoyed a picnic at Fairmount park yesterday. The boys made the trip to the park in a special car and spent the day at the various amusements and in games of their own. They were given the privilege of visiting the merry-go-round, moving picture show, rocky road to Dublin and mystic cave in addition to the swimming in the lake. Ice cream and cake were served as refreshments.

In the afternoon contests in footracing were held. Abe Sheftel won the dash for boys under the age of 8 years, Max Ducov that for boys under 10 years, Joe Sheftel for boys under 12 years, Tom Cohen for the boys under 14 years and Alec Greenberg for boys under 16 years. Each dash was 100 yards.