Mexican Laborers Rememer Date of
Peasant Liberator's Death.
Yesterday was an anniversary of the death of Benito Juarez, Mexican patriot and president, and was observed by several hundred Mexicans in Armourdale and Argentine. In the Santa Fe railway yards at 6 o'clock last evening fifty male voices recruited from the box car houses of the laborers sang the national anthem of the Southern republic and individual prayers asked peace and rest for the soul of the departed liberator.
"He was one of Mexico's greatest citizens as well as one of her most valiant soldiers," said Jose Perez, a foreman who was once a student in a military academy in Mexico, and led in the impromptu exercises in Argentine last night. "Diaz is the organizer, but Juarez made the organization possible by striking off the hand of the tyrant and freeing the people.
"They were born of full blooded Indian parents and symbolize the soil which was meant to be free, but Europe would gladly claimt them both," said Perez.