Case of Love at First Sight at the Circus Grounds Yesterday --Public Proposal by Midget. "Big Top" is Up.

He is 32 Years Old, 26 Inches Tall, and Weighs 16 pounds.
It was a case of love at first sight with the Little Russian Prince. Often he had heard of Princess Wee-nee-wee, but he had never seen her until yesterday afternoon.
The Little Russian Prince is 32 years old, weighs 16 pounds and is 26 inches high. His affinity is a dark skinned young woman of similar dimensions, though somewhat smaller. Her height is 17 inches, she is 18 years old, and weighs 7 1/2 pounds. Princess Wee-nee-wee travels with the Barnum & Bailey circus. The prince is connected with the vaudeville circuit which makes the parks.
Last week the prince heard that Wee-nee-wee was to be in Kansas City yesterday and so delayed his departure from Carnival park in order to pay her a visit. Out at the show grounds the freaks' tent had just been raised when the prince walked in and inquired for Wee-nee-wee. When the princess's maid brought her out to see the prince they stared at each other for a moment, then the prince boldly put out his hand in greeting.
So struck was he with the midget's appearance that he immediately proposed marriage.
"How do you like me?" he asked. "Wouldn't you like to be my wife?" The prince had made his little speech without a blush and seemed dreadfully in earnest. Wee-nee-wee was painfully embarrassed and, despite her dark color, she even blushed. Meanwhile, a crowd had gathered about the midgets and the little woman was becoming very uncomfortable. She wasn't used to receiving proposals among so many people, so she took her suitor into another part of the tent. From behind the curtain, parts of their conversation could be overheard.
"I have lots of money," urged the prince, "and I can show you a fine time. You need not go with the circus any more."

She is 18 Years Old, 17 Inches High and Weighs 7 1/2 Pounds.
"I have lots of money, too," answered the princess, "and I don't need you or your money. Anyhow, I am in love with Captain Jack Barnett, and he loves me, too."
Captain Jack Barnett is a midget just about the size of the prince. He is exhibited in the freak tent with the princess and they have been traveling companions for many months. So, when the prince learned that an ordinary captain had been the successful suitor for the little princess's hand, he gave up in despair.
As he left the tent he was heard talking to his manager who had gone with him to the circus grounds.
"I supposed that Wee-nee-wee would not be as small as they all said she was or that she would be mighty fat," he said. "But she is not fat and she is just as small as anybody can be. She just came up to my shoulders when she stood up by my side. Wouldn't we make the prize couple, though?"
Outside the freak tent there were thousands of persons who had visited the grounds to see the circus unload and to catch an occasional glimpse of the elephants and camels as they were being led to the menagerie tent.
Inside of the menagerie tent, or jungle top, as the circus men call it, the animals were being fed and the wagons polished for inspection which they will receive today. One of the most interesting sights inside the jungle top was a baby camel, 6 weeks old. When this camel was only two days old his mother stepped upon his left foreleg, breaking it above the fetlock. The camel would have to be killed, but since it was white and there is no other white camel connected with the circus, a great effort was made to save it.
It was placed in a cage and as much care taken of it as if it were a child. Every hour the little camel has to be given milk from a bottle, and he usually insists upon two bottles.
Next to the baby camel is a baby elephant, 2 weeks old. The baby elephant is also fed from a bottle and has a special attendant. These young animals created much excitement and amusement among those who were standing near the tent.
The circus train was late in its arrival yesterday morning and the "roustabout" gang worked overtime. Within fifty-five minutes after the tent gang as on the circus grounds, the menagerie tent had been raised. Quickly in succession were put up the cook tent, the stable tops and some freak tents. All day yesterday the gangs of men were busy getting the big tent in order and it will be stretched today. The tent for the big show i said to e the largest circus tent in the worked and from the looks of the ground which it is to cover it seems as if there were much truth in the statement.
It was necessary for five patrolmen under a sergeant to be present on the grounds yesterday in order to take care of the immense crowd which had gathered. The curious people insisted on getting in the way of the workmen and in taking an occasional peep under the menagerie, but the officers handled the crowd well and no more serious disturbance was reported.