STOMACH GROWN TOGETHER. ~ Robert Neudeck Is Slowly Dying of Starvation in Kansas City, Kas.

July 14, 1908

Robert Neudeck Is Slowly Dying of
Starvation in Kansas City, Kas.

Robert Neudeck, a well known resident of Kansas City, Kas., is slowly dying of starvation at his home, 1052 Reynolds avenue. The attending physicians have abandoned hope for his recovery and announce that the end is only a question of a short time.

More than a year ago Mr Neudeck suffered an affliction of the stomach. At first it was not thought to be serious and his doctor placed him on a light diet. The case has baffled the physicians. From all indications the walls of his stomach have grown together.

Mr. Neudeck is a member of one of the oldest and best known families in Wyandotte county. He has been engaged in the mercantile business, and for a number of years was a member of the local police department.