Animal Is the Constant Companion
of "Doc" Waddell.
"Is it? It is. It's Doc Waddell and his pet elephant." All of this took place at one of the hotels in Kansas City yesterday when Doc Waddell, ahead of the Sells-Floto circus, came to the city accompanied by an elephant. The circus proper will not be in the city until Monday, August 10, but Doc is a part of it and he entertained the guests at the hotel for a considerable time.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Waddell, but you'll have to leave that animal in the basement," said the clerk; "we cannot allow animals of any sort in our hotel."
Mr. Waddell turned to his elephant, which is spoken of as "Waddy," and held a few brief words with him. "Oh, very well," he replied, "Waddy's used to livery stables and he considers hotel basements as tramps would consider palaces. Come along, Waddy -- and the clerk."
With that the trio went to the basement and a stall was fixed for the elephant. Mr. Waddell is the brother of Rube Waddell, a famous baseball pitcher.