Dr. M. J. Exner Is Going to Asia to
Teach Athletics.
Dr. M. J. Exner, for the last eight years physical director of the Kansas City Y. M. C. A., has announced that he will resign his position here to go to China.
Dr. Exner is a graduate of the Kansas City Medical college and the Springfield Training schook, where he made a reputation in athletics, playing on the famous football team of 1896, which was the only team to score on Yale that year. Dr. Exner played end on the football team and also distinguished himself in other lines of athletics. His work in Kansas City has been uniformly successful and he has gained the friendship of a great number of young men here.
In his new position Dr. Exner will make his headquarters in Shanghai, where the Y. M. C. A. is very strong and has a large number of native members. Dr. Exner has been making a study of the conditions among the Chinese in regard to physical education and exercise and he finds them deplorable.