JAPANESE YOUNG WOMAN SANG. ~ Miss Okajima Entertained Members of the Y. W. C. A. Yesterday.

September 14, 1908

Miss Okajima Entertained Members
of the Y. W. C. A. Yesterday.

Many Japanese and English songs were sung by Miss Okajima, a young woman from Japan, at the Y. W. C. A. rooms on Baltimore avenue yesterday afternoon. Miss Okajima sang for almost an hour and then to the group of admiring young women around her she told stories of Japanese life and of the curious customs observed in her country.

That Japan has taken rapid steps forward by enlightenment and Christianity within the last ten years was championed by the young woman most sturdily, and it is her opinion that a great deal of such advancement comes from the United States. She says that her government is apt to look upon ours as a model and that Japan holds this country in high esteem.

Those who heard Miss Okajima sing declared that she had a remarkably sweet voice with a great range of tone. Some of the renditions were from the old music masters and extremely difficult. The young woman received several years of vocal training in her own country and has come to America to pursue her studies.