Modern Bad Man Created a Flurry
in Victoria Hotel Buffet.
Santa Fe trail days were revived for a few brief ticks of the clock last evening between the hours of 6 and 7, in the buffet of the Victoria hotel. Gun play, of course, figured melodramatically.
A customer wearing the air of a modern bad man came in and ordered a beer with the concomitant free lunch. Instead of throwing the crusts of his sandwich on the floor, the defiantly put them on the polished mahogany.
The barkeeper reprovingly brushed the remnants of the lunch from the bar, citing rule 23 from Chesterfiled's manual all the while. Then he suavely informed the offender that unless he could more faithfully observe the rules of said manual, he would never again be served in that establishment.
The fever of the rebuffed one promptly arose to 1849 -- and stopped. Uttering ungentlemanly threats, he went out in an ungentlemanly rage, to return ten minutes later with a piece of hardware that was in popular use when the "unbiled" shirt was exclusively in fashion. Then he covered his reprover and promised him unpleasant things if another beer were not forthcoming. After a moment's meditation on the part of the man behind the bar, the Budweiser was set out. The man with the gun is employed in a cement company office on Ninth street.