Conditions Existing in St. Louis Are
Said to Be General in All
American Cities.
Within a short time it is probable that the goverment authorities will begin proceedings for the purpose of ascertaining just how far many prominent Greeks of this city have violated the law by importing Greek youngsters and keeping them in practical slavery in shoe shining parlors, and other establishments conducted by this particular nationality.
In St. Louis there recently was instituted proceedings by the United States Commissioner Morsey against three well-to-do Greeks of that city for alleged violation fo the immigration laws by bringing Greek boys into the country under false pretense. Commissioner Morsey is said to have procured several witnesses who are willing to testify that they were being forced to work eighteen hours daily for $1, and each evening their pockets were searched for tips.
Although there is emphatic denial by proprietors of shoe shining parlors here, the same conditions brought to light in St. Louis are said to exist in practically every city of size in the country. In shoe shining parlors boys whose ages range from 8 to 18 years are employed. All are said to have been brought to this country under a vastly different understanding than greeted them upon their arrival.
There are said to be 200 Greek boys in Kansas City who were brought here through the agency by one man. Many of these youngsters, although they can speak English fairly well, absolutely refuse to enter into a discussion of the question of their presence here, while their seniors shrug their shoulders and say they don't understand.