Two People Ate Them, and Both of
Them Nearly Died.
Mrs. Ula I. Steffler and H. E. Bailey, who were taken to the Emergency hospital yesterday afternoon and treated by Dr. W. L. Gist for strychnine poisoning, will recover. Both live at 717 May street, where Mrs. Steffler is housekeeping for Bailey.
Mrs. Steffler said she often used morphine for neuralgia and that upon finding a box of tablets on the sidewalk which she supposed were morphine tablets, she took two of them. It turned out that the tablets were strychnine tablets sometimes used by veterinary surgeons in the treatment of animals. Either contained enough of the poison to kill a human being unless heroic treatment was applied at once. Soon after taking the tablets Mrs. Steffler became deathly sick.
Then followed the strange part of the incident. Bailey accompanied Mrs. Steffler to the hospital and seemed anxious to do everything in his power to aid her. After the examination, he returned home saying that he wanted to go back and lock up the house which had been left open during the excitement. Half an hour later Dr. Gist was again called and by this time it was to attend to Bailey.
The man stated that the excitement incident upon the poisoning of Mrs. Steffler had so unnerved him that upon his return and finding a small box, supposed to contain morphine, upon the table, he took one tablet. This tablet also contained strychnine and Bailey became sick at once. He was treated at the hospital and after a short time was out of danger.