October 15, 1908

Missouri Association Would Compel
All Nurses to Pass State

If the Missouri State Association of Nurses does not succeed in getting its registration bill through the state legislature this coming session, it will not be from the lack of plans. At the initial meeting of the association in the Grand Avenue Methodist Episcopal church yesterday afternoon, the weakness of the last year's campaign and efforts were discussed. Preliminary arrangements were made for the work this fall.

The graduate nurses of Missouri feel that there are too many women getting into their profession without due education, either academic or professional. It is the desire of the association to get a bill passed that will make it necessary for all persons wishing to become to pass state examinations and to register as graduate nurses. They wish to put the business of nursing upon the same basis as the practice of medicine.

Such a measure is the chief aim of the association, and it will be to this end that its members will direct their most serious attention. Committees will be appointed immediately which will have charge of the different phases of the work. Each committee will receive full instructions as to the manner in which it is to proceed in order to act in co-operation with the others in this association.

The meeting yesterday was the first of a series of meetings which will be held in this city today and tomorrow. Matters pertaining to the year's work among the members and officers of the association were discussed and routine business transacted. The day was spent largely in getting acquainted with each other and old friends renewing friendships.

Last night the association held a banquet for its members at the Densmore hotel, which was to effect closer social relations. Officers for the ensuing year will be elected at the meeting tomorrow.