Desperadoes Bound Conductor and
Brakeman in Frisco Caboose.
E. G. Butcher and William Smith, conductor and brakeman, respectively on one of the Frisco system's fright trains, while reposing in the caboose of their train between Olathe and Rosedale, Kas., at 8 o'clock last night suddenly were told to throw up their hands by two men, both of whom pointed revolvers. The men lost no time complying with the command, after which they were tied to benches and relieved of watches and other valuables by a boy who accompanied the desperados. All three made their escape at Rosedale.
Neither Butcher nor Smith had time to realize what had taken place before they found themselves securely fastened to benches with stout ropes which evidently had been taken along for the purpose. The older members of the trio stood aside, each covering his man with a revolver, while the boy, whose age was about 14 years, went through the trainmen's pockets, taking everything of value that could be found.
It was not until after the train began to slow up at Rosedale that the robbers jumped off, immediately after which the imprisoned men began efforts to get out of their uncomfortable positions. The authorities at Rosedale and Olathe were notified, but at an early morning hour no trace had been found of the men.