TO PUT TUBERCULOSIS COWS ON THE MARKET. ~ Condemned Animals From Haskell Dairy Herd Will Be Offered in Kansas City for Beef.

October 23, 1908

Condemned Animals From Haskell
Dairy Herd Will Be Offered in
Kansas City for Beef.

LAWRENCE, KAS., Oct. 22. -- (Special.) Out of a herd of 110 dairy cattle at the Haskell institute, a government school here for Indians, twenty-three cows were condemned today because of tuberculosis, and fourteen others that are suspected with being diseased are under the ban. The condemnation and tests were made by Dr. L. R. Baker at the insistence of the government bureau of animal industry.

Before making his tests, Dr. Baker made the remark that the herd was one of the best he had ever seen. In the cows condemned there is no external evidence of anything wrong.

The tests were made by taking a cow's temperature four or five times in a single day. When the average temperature was ascertained a tuberculin solution was injected. Nine hours after the injection the temperature was again taken, and if a 5 to 7 degree increase was noted the animal was said to have tuberculosis in a bad form.

The cows condemned today will be shipped to Kansas City and put on the market there for beef. Superintendent Pears of Haskell, when asked if these tuberculosis cattle could be sold for human consumption, said it was all right if they passed the post-mortem inspection.