Served Seven and One-Half Years for
Killing Fred Jackson.

(Court sketch of the doctor at the time of his
conviction of the murder of Frederick
Jackson, laundryman.)
JEFFERSON CITY, MO., Oct 22. --(Special.) Dr. Jefferson D. Goddard, who shot and killed Fred Jackson, a laundryman, in Kansas City about twelve years ago, will be "dressed out" of the Missouri penitentiary tomorrow morning. He was sentenced to twenty years for killing Jackson, but this sentence was commuted by Governor Dockery to a term expiring tomorrow. He will go from Jefferson City to the home of his sister in Cass county to rest for some time before determining what he will do in the future.
Dr. Goddard's medical education and skill stood him in good stead in the prison. He had charge of the drug store and assisted the physician in charge in hospital work, and earned the respect and confidence of the officers of the institution by his good conduct and his readiness at all times to use his professional skill in relieving the ills of his fellow convicts.
"He has been an invaluable man to the state," said Warden Matt Hall in discussing him, "if we can say that a convict is valuable to the state. He was a skilled pharmacist and a good physician and was absolutely reliable and trustworthy. He leaves the prison with the best wishes of every officer and convict who came in contact with him."
Dr. Goddard was received at the prison April 25, 1900. Dockery commuted his sentence to ten years with benefit of the three-fourths law. Consequently he has served seven and one-half years.