MAY MARK SANTA FE TRAIL. ~ Missouri D. A. R. Would Ask Legislation for Granite Stone.

October 24, 1908

Missouri D. A. R. Would Ask Legis-
lation for Granite Stone.

COLUMBIA, MO., Oct. 23. -- (Special.) The daughters of the American Revolution favor marking the old Santa Fe trail from Old Franklin, Mo., on the Missouri river, to Independence, in Jackson county, with granite markers. The plan was presented to the ninth annual conference by Miss Elizabeth B. Gentry of Kansas City.

The next legislature will be asked for the money. The trail has been marked in other states.

The conference adjourned today. The next session will be held at Cape Girardeau, Mo. Clinton McDade won a year's scholarship in the School of the Ozarks at Forsythe, Mo., for the best essay on "The Causes of the American Revolution."