Miller Brothers Entertain Kansas
Cityans at 101 Ranch.
ONE HUNDRED AND ONE RANCH, OK., Sept. 24. -- (Special.) So tempting was the programme arranged at Miller Bros.' 101 ranch by the Longhorn Club, and so desirous were the Kansas City autoists in the Southwestern Reliability run to see all the Wild West features on the bill., that the officials of the contest voted to lengthen the scheduled stop at the ranch an hour and a half. This was the the first change of the schedule since the run started. It was made necessary by the enthusiastic clamor of the autoists who were prepared for and received the greatest treat of their trip at the ranch.
The cars had made a hard morning run over roads that were seas of mud, but from Bliss to the ranch the race-course-like pikes afforded the first opportunity of the day for smooth riding. The cars arrived in ones and twos after 12:30 o'clock, and as fast as they came in the famished autoists were seated at a banquet table where all the good things of the ranch were served.
Later there was a programme of "sure enough" Wild West events -- steer riding, roping, broncho busting and fancy riding.
There was a badger fight which was the real sensation of the day, the badger being pulled from his lair by Ted Collier of Kenosha, Wis., driving a Rambler car. The autoists were compelled to tear away at schedule time, but the officials had a great trouble getting them to leave. Several arranged to return to the ranch for a visit after the completion of the tour.