Mayor Crittenden Asks for Contribu-
tions to the Tree.
The following appeal to the public to contribute towards the success of the Christmas tree was issued yesterday by Mayor Thomas T. Crittenden, Jr.:
"I desire to call the attention of the good people of Kansas City to the great Christmas tree to be had at Convention hall on Christmas day from 2 p. m. to 11 p. m. of that day, for our less fortunate children, and to afford an opportunity to all who love little children to contribute to this worthy enterprise.
"There is no place in America where the welfare of unfortunate children is more dominant than here, and there is no city in America that will respond more quickly and generously than ours to such a call as this.
"I am not addressing this letter to the rich only, but to every man and woman who desire to have every poor child in Kansas City receive a Christmas present. Small contributions from everybody who can give is really the idea of the general committee.
"The poorly clad Christ Child came for the poor, as well as the rich, and while Kansas City is boasting of her prosperity and her growth, her great boulevards and her parks, her busy stores and her big banks, her splendid churches and her beautiful homes, let us not forget that there are a thousand unfortunate families in our midst, and that while we are celebrating this happy season and loading down our children with gifts, that there are multitudes of children that will have no Christmas, but will look on in silence, without so much as an orange.
"In behalf of these I make this appeal. Convention hall has had many great occasions. Let us make this the greatest. Kansas City has had many a happy Christmas; let us make this the happiest. Let this be Kansas City's Christmas treat for her children, and let us see to it that no child, of whatever creed or tongue or color, or however humble, will go to bed that hallowed night with a heavy heart and empty hands.
"Who among you are unwilling to make a little sacrifice towards this end? Money contributions received at the mayor's office, supplies of any kind received at Convention hall."
The several committees are requested to meet at the mayor's office in the city hall at 11 o'clock tomorrow forenoon.
Nearly $800 in cash contributions has been received, but this amount does not include cash subscriptions being solicited by the committees. It is hoped to raise $5,000.
Five large pine trees that are in the way of grading improvements at Penn Valley park are to be used from which to distribute presents at Convention hall.