COUNTY TO CARE FOR INSANE. ~ The Addition Being Made to Alms House at Horanif.

December 13, 1908

The Addition Being Made to Alms
House at Horanif.

A force of mechanics has been put to work remodeling the alms house, situated on the county poor farm near Horanif, Wyandotte county. The big brick structure is being so changed to provide quarters for insane patients that have to be cared for by the county before admission in the state asylums. At present the county's insane are sent to a private sanitarium, until room in the state institution is available, at $7 a week for each patient. The records show that it costs the county about $8,000 a year for the care of insane persons.

The county will be able to save about $4,000 of this expense annually, so Commissioner Hoffman says, by providing quarters for insane patients at the county poor farm. The insane wards at the farm will be ready for occupancy within the next thirty days.