HE WAS SQUEEZED TO DEATH. ~ Overturned Bread Wagon Crushes Life Out of Driver.

December 7, 1908

Overturned Bread Wagon Crushes
Life Out of Driver.

Israel Aaron, 23 years old, a driver for the Cohen baker of 1627 West Ninth street, was killed in Kansas City, Kas., yesterday forenoon in a peculiar manner. He was driving a bread wagon on Ferry street between Fifth street and Orville avenue, when one of the front wheels of his conveyance struck a pile of rock. Aaron was hurled violently to the pavement and a moment afterwards his horse swerved and the heavy wagon was turned over upon him. According to Coroner J. A. Davis, who viewed the body, death followed in less the than a minute from "squeezing."

The body was found to have sustained no contusions or broken bones, but the face was black where the blood had congregated as a result of the enormous weight of the freshly laden wagon.

Aaron was unmarried and lived with the Cohens at the bakery.