Trying to Lower Old Men's Age Limit
From 60 to 50 Years.
At the meeting of the Old Men's Association held in the public library yesterday afternoon an attempt was made to change the age of admission from 60 to 50 years. After considerable debate the matter was taken under advisement by the executive committee.
"They'll never change that age clause in our constitution," F. M. Furgason, the secretary, declared. "Why, if a man could get in at 50 years of age there wouldn't be any distinction in belonging to this organization. A man isn't an old man until he is 60 years old, anyway. Every year somebody tries to change the age entrance, and every year we vote them down, and we'll do it again."
Rev. Joel A. Barker, superintendent of the Children's Home Society in Kansas City, spoke to the association yesterday on the value of the little things in life.
The annual election of officers will take place at the next regular meeting on the second Monday in January. Each member of the association is to come prepared to tell of his most interesting experience.