BOY CASE IS ARBITRATED. ~ Judge Porterfield's Verdict: "Don't Use Shinny Sticks Any More."

January 9, 1909

Judge Porterfield's Verdict: "Don't
Use Shinny Sticks Any More."

In the juvenile court yesterday afternoon Eddie Stephons and Tommy Bramlette, 14 and 13 years old, respectively, told Judge E. E. Porterfield that when boys play policemen it means clubs will be freely used on the heads of any prisoners taken into their custody.

The boys had been fighting and Eddie still bore a scar across his forehead and one cheek was swollen as the result of a blow from Tommy's shinny stick. The defendant readily confessed it was he who delivered the blow.

"That will do," said Judge Porterfield, after each boy had told his story. "The plaintiff has no case at all. He simply got whipped. Dismissed, but you must not use shinny sticks or play prisoner and policeman until good feeling is restored between you."