DIED FULL OF HONORS. ~ Wearing the Blue Ribbon, This White Wyandotte Passed Away.

January 12, 1909

Wearing the Blue Ribbon, This
White Wyandotte Passed Away.

An unusual incident attended the judging of chickens in the annual show of the Kansas City Fanciers' Association in Convention hall yesterday afternoon in the death of a White Wyandotte cock owned by the P. B. Wyandotte farm at Mount Washington three minutes after it had received the first prize in its class. According to the judges, the cock would have been given the special award to be presented to the best bird in the show of any of the classes entered.

"The bird marked the perfection of breeding in the White Wyandotte class," said W. C. Pierce of Indianapolis, one of the judges. "I never saw its equal. The other judges say that it was a type apart from any bird exhibited, in any of the shows they have attended. It was easily worth $500."

Owners of the Wyandotte farm said that they still have two birds of the same breeding that show promise of equaling the bird that died. A post mortem will be held this morning to determine the cause of the fowl's death.