HOTELS SERVE QUAIL, SPORTSMEN ARE MAD. ~ Say It Would Be Criminal In Other States.

January 24, 1909

Say It Would Be Criminal In
Other States.

Resolution Adopted At Last Night's
Meeting Set Forth That Com-
mercialism in Game
Is Robbery.

"There is only one spot on the face of the whole earth that has not a good game law, or at least a first-class attempt at one, except the state of Missouri," said H . R. Walmsley at the meeting of the State League of Missouri Sportsmen at 918 Main street last night. "Even the esquimau, the Indian, and the Hottentot have game laws," he continued, "and they have had since time immemorial."

The third meeting of the league shows a membership of more than 300 enthusiastic sportsmen, eager for the enactment in Missouri of laws that will restrict the killing and prohibit the sale of birds and wild animals. It was brought out at the meeting last night that one of Kansas City's leading hotels served quail within the past week, which it was declared in any other state would be a criminal offense. "Missouri's laws will not operate to bring offenders of this kind of justice," said Mr. Walmsley. "It would be a matter of absolute impossibility to convict them."

Mr. Walmsley's game law, which was repealed with the passage of the law now in force, and which the league describes as "no law at all," will be again presented to the legislature during this session. The bill is somewhat modified but provides for the absolute prohibition of sale of game, the establishment of a game warden system and a state and county license.

It is said that $250,000 a year will be raised for the enforcement of the laws, of which a surplus can be expected. This surplus will go toward the establishment of propagating stations to aid in the perpetuation of wildlife in Missouri.

It is the intention of the league to make Missouri, which is now declared to be the "tail-ender," the leading state in the Union in the matter of its game and its game laws.

A resolution was adopted denouncing commercialism in game as "robbery of the masses," and declaring that the "remnant of our rapidly diminishing game should be carefully and judiciously guarded, that it may bestow benefits on the present generation and remain a precious heritage to posterity."

"The present game laws in the state are due to the influence of the fish and game commercial interest, principally in St. Louis," declared Mr. Walmsley. "They have guided legislation to their own advantage for years and we have got to stamp it out and forever."