Fred Wolferman to Celebrate Round-
ing Out of Two Decades.
This week will be somewhat commemorable with housewives and those whose province it is to supply the larder, for Fred Wolferman's grocers and wine merchants at 1108-1110 Walnut street are to celebrate a 20th anniversary.
Old residents of Kansas City remember the early Wolferman's store at the corner of Ninth and Oak streets, where it remained for seven years. Later the concern moved to Walnut street and finally as business expanded, took in the store room next to it.
The Fred Wolferman store has never in any way before featured anniversaries or held "special sales," so that the unusual displays of merchandise in package and other form, and many rare and interesting "Good Things to Eat" shown will undoubtedly draw much favorable attention. Prices have been reduced on many articles for the first five days of this week.