REMOVED SHOES IN THEATER. ~ Pat McGuire Arrested Just Because He Relieved His Aching Feet.

January 10, 1909

Pat McGuire Arrested Just Because
He Relieved His Aching Feet.

Stopping over in Kansas city while on his way to Denver to visit his parents, Patrick McGuire, a soldier, attended the Shubert theater last night. He purchased a ticket which gave him a seat well down in front of the parquet.

Shortly after the curtain rose, his feet commenced paining him and he immediately removed his shoes. Complaint was made at once by patrons of the theater sitting nearest to Patrick. An usher asked him to put his shoes back on. He refused.

Officer James Lillis was called, and after a lively struggle, Lillis and three ushers finally ejected the irate soldier boy from the theater. He was immediately placed under arrest, the charge against him being disturbing the peace.

McGuire has served as a soldier in the regular army for fifteen years. Ten days ago his time expired.