HE'S A WIRELESS OPERATOR. ~ Paul Betheman of the Connecticut a Kansas City Boy.

April 16, 1909

Paul Betheman of the Connecticut
a Kansas City Boy.

The honor of being the wireless operator on the flagship Connecticut in the great fleet's cruise around the world belongs to a Kansas City boy, Paul Betheman, of 1521 Troost avenue. Young Betheman has been in Kansas City on a two-weeks furlough, visiting his mother, Mrs. Lena Betheman, but returns to Brooklyn today to join his ship.

Betheman is 24 years old and joined the navy at the time of the telegraphers' strike in 1907. His knowledge of telegraphy was invaluable and he was at once put in charge of the instrument on the battleship.

All of the orders to the different ships in the fleet were sent through Betheman. At present, he is one of the few operators who is glad that the telegraph strike took place.