NEW ELMS HOTEL LEASED. ~ Excelsior Springs Hostelry Ready for Occupancy This Summer.

April 16, 1909

Excelsior Springs Hostelry Ready
for Occupancy This Summer.

The New Elms hotel of Excelsior Springs, owned by the Elms Realty Company of this city, and costing more than $250,000, has been leased, and will be ready to open, it is said, by the lessees, in six weeks or two months. The building is practically completed, except part of the interior woodwork and furnishings.

The lessees of the building, Samuel F. Dutton and A. M. Epstein, are from Denver, and own the Albany hotel there. They announced yesterday that they will spend $75,000 in furnishing the new hostelry. It will be under the management of F. W. Taget of Denver.