LEARN LITTLE OF STABBING. ~ Bohunks at Cement City Decline to Talk of Austrian's Killing

April 1, 1909

Bohunks at Cement City Decline to
Talk of Austrian's Killing.

None of the foreign settlement at Cement City has come forward to claim the body of Wiley Madertage, who was stabbed in the neck by another Austrian, alleged to be Nick Melosetz, in a fight at Cement City Tuesday night. The body of Madertage was viewed yesterday by the coroner at Ott's undertaking rooms and an inquest will probably be held today.

The bohunk colony at Cement City, north of Independence, is reticent over the affair. Some of them claim that Madertage stayed at the Melosetz home and that the two men were friendly until Madertage became too friendly with the wife of Melosetz. None of the Austrians there can talk English, and the information bearing on the stabbing affray comes in a jargon which the Independence police officials find it hard to interpret except by hazarding a guess.

Jimmie Palowski stated that Madertage joined the colony only recently, and little, if anything, was known about him in this country. Meanwhile, the undertaker will hold the body to await the coroner's inquest and further developments.