Society to Spend $10,000 to $15,000
for Animals.
By May 1 the zoological building being built in Swope park will be ready for the receiving of animals and visitors and the zoological society which has been attending to the details will have finished the greater part of its labor. The society held a meeting at the Coates house last night, and made arrangements for the opening of the city zoo.
The society expects to expend between $10,000 and $15,000 within the next several weeks for animals. Besides what animals will be purchased, the zoo has already a large number in different parts of the country.
At the meeting last night private donations amounted to $770. H. R. Walmsley was re-elected secretary and Gus Pearson second vice president last night. The Campbell Bros. circus will open a week's engagement at the Convention hall on April 17, the proceeds going to the zoological society.