Will Reach Here From
New York This Week.
President A. E. Stilwell of the Orient and a party of English stockholders who recently arrived at New York city from Europe, are expected to reach Kansas City this week in order that they make the trip of inspection which is scheduled to begin Saturday, April 10. The party includes H. J. Chinnery and F. Hurdle.
Mr. Stilwell and his wife have been absent in Europe since last June and in that time he has enlisted Dutch, French and English capital for the completion of his road. Bonds to the amount of $3,000,000 have been placed in Holland, France and England and an order was recently given by the company for the steel with which to complete the gap bettween Sweetwater and San Angelo, Tex. E. E. Holmes, vice president of the United States and Mexican Trust Company, went to New York and conferreed with him soon after his arrival from Europe. A complete inspection of the line from Wichita, Kas., to Topolobampo on the Gulf of California will be made by the Stilwell party.