Hamilton Holt, Editor and Lecturer,
Predicts United Nations.
The United States of America furnishes the model for the organization of the world into the United Nations for the purpose of securing universal peace, according to Hamilton Holt, managing editor of the New York Independent, who lectured at the Westminster Congregational church last night. His subject was "The Federation of the World."
Turning to the practical solution of the problem he declared the remedy was the substitution of law for war, through the federation of the world and the development of international law. At present he said there was no such thing as international law, but simply the precedents and opinions, which was the work of scholars and not legislators. An organized political body with full power to create will give a genuine and progressive developing law.
Mr. Holt further said that the United Nations already exist through The Hague peace court and the recurring conferences, the germ of the international parliament. As perfection is approached it will be possible to Americanize the world, he declared.
The Hague conference already has given great impetus to the movement for international peace, and has resulted in checking England, Italy and German from making war on Venezuela, the speaker declared. He said that through it England and Russia were prevented from going to war over the Dogger Bank incident, and that President Roosevelt was able to step between Japan and Russia.