Charles Butler's Body Submerged,
and Hot Water Running.
Charles Butler, 35 years old, was found dead in a bathtub at his rooming house, 1520 Cherry street, last night about 6:30 o'clock. Butler was employed in a pool hall at Fifteenth and Cherry streets, but had formerly been a boilermaker, a prize fighter and a trapeze performer.
J. D. Locke, also a roomer, found the body. He was attracted to the bathroom by the smell of burning wood, burst in the door and found the body of Butler covered with water and in the tub, curled up as though asleep. Hot water from the gas heater was still running and had almost filled the tub. The smell of burning wood came from the wall at the side of the heater, which had become scorched.
Butler was troubled with an affliction of the heart. Death may have been due to this cause.
A letter dated September 25, 1907, was found in his pockets. It was addressed to "My Husband" and signed Myrtle Butler, his wife, to whom he had been married three years previously. Six months ago they separated. Last month she married a man named Harry Thompson and moved away from the city. Butler was seen frequently in the company of a young woman, and two days ago told his landlady that he was about to be married.
Dr. Harry Czarlinsky vivewed the body, but will make a further examination. A brother lives in this city.