WESTON FAILS TO MAKE KANSAS CITY. ~ Aged Walker Has Trying Day And Weakens.

May 6, 1909

Aged Walker Has Trying Day
And Weakens.

Footsore and weary, almost exhausted as a result of his day's walk under an extremely hot sun, Edward Payson Weston, the aged pedestrian, who is en route from coast to coast, last night at 6:30 o'clock reached Oak Grove, twenty-nine miles east of Kansas City, a having made the 24.9 miles from Higginsvile, his starting point yesterday morning, in thirteen hours. As a result of his slow progress, he is now eight miles behind his schedule, where he was several miles to the good Tuesday night.

On his arrival in Oak Grove Weston immediately sought rest, and going to the Robinson hotel, retired, giving orders not to be disturbed until 5 o'clock this morning when he will resume his walk, with the expectation of reaching Kansas City at noon today. He asked for perfect quiet, saying that he was more tired than at any time since he left New York, March 15, on the first lap of the long hike.