GRAND OPERA GETS THE HOOK. ~ Union Depot Autocrat, a Family Man, Prefers Baby's Crying.

May 27, 1909

Union Depot Autocrat, a Family
Man, Prefers Baby's Crying.

Italian grand opera was introduced at the Union depot last night to pacify crying babies. It wasn't much more than introduced, however, before the official red cap decided that it would be better for the crowded condition of the depot if the crying continued, rather than the music, inasmuch as the squeals of infants did not draw the huge audience that the serenade did.

In the east end of the depot a bunch of Italian immigrants were herded. One of the men had a violin and another had an accordion. Two little babies had their natural Italian voices which they began to exercise and cultivate. After some minutes of the infantile crying, the musicians produced their instruments and played the "Miserere" and the triumphal march of "Aida."

That was as far as the minstrels got, when the red cap appeared with his silencer. The babies cried on.