OLD NEWSPAPER MAN DIES. ~ Edwin Gilbert Erwin Was Founder of Jackson County Judge.

May 27, 1909

Edwin Gilbert Erwin Was Founder
of Jackson County Judge.
Edwin G. Erwin, Kansas City Newspaper Man.

Edwin Gilbert Erwin, formerly a reporter on The Journal and for many years a Jackson county newspaper man, died at his home, 1317 Madison street, yesterday morning, of diabetes. He was 48 years old. Mr. Erwin was born in Cleveland, Ill., and had been in the newspaper business practically all his life.

Physically Mr. Erwin was a large man, and during his life in this county was called by the sobriquet of "Judge." In 1898 Mr. Erwin was employed as a reporter on The Journal. Erwin, however, was not satisfied unless editing a paper of his own. After a year and a half on The Journal he moved to Independence with his family , and founded the Jackson County Judge. He held the position of editor on this paper until two years ago.

His relinquishment of the Jackson County Judge was caused by his failing health, due to an attack of diabetes which slowly wasted him away until he was but a shadow of his former self. Last March the family moved to the Madison street address from Independence. The end came after Mr. Erwin had been confined to his bed for two weeks.

Besides his father and widow, three daughters and one son survive. The daughters are Mrs. Frank F. Syne of Sioux City, Ia., and Miss Georgia and Miss Louise of this city. The son is Lester G. Erwin. Two sisters, Mrs. U. G. Osborn of 3424 Highland avenue and Mrs. Eugene Neal, who lives seven miles east of Independence, survive.

Funeral services will be held from the home this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. William Haupt of the Independence Episcopal church, will officiate. Burial will be in Forest Hill cemetery.