OFFERED COFFIN HANDLES. ~ Young Man, Who Tried to Make Sale, Held for Investigation.

May 27, 1909

Young Man, Who Tried to Make
Sale, Held for Investigation.

A young man entered Leo J. Stewart's undertaking rooms at 1212 McGee street yesterday afternoon and offered to sell two boxes containing a dozen cheap coffin handles. The suspicions of William Stewart, junior member of the firm, were aroused, and when the man returned with three more boxes he had him arrested by Officers Lucius Downing and J. C. W. Dyson. The prisoner gave the name of Ed McBride and his residence as 521 East Nineteenth street.

The coffin handles were identified by H. R. Miller of the Wagner undertaking firm as some that had been taken from their warehouse. In McBride's pockets were found a Chicago street car transfer dated April 9, a St. Louis transfer dated April 8 and a paper back copy of "Fetters That Sear." He was held for investigation.