Admiral John Crittenden Watson
Came Here to Meet Late Gov-
ernor, His Cousin.
Unaware of Governor Thomas T. Crittenden's death, Admiral John Crittenden Watson, a cousin of the governor, arrived in Kansas City yesterday afternoon for brief visit. The first he learned of his cousin's death was while riding on a street car to the Crittenden home. A man with whom the admiral was sitting held a paper which contained an account of the governor's death. As he turned the page the admiral stopped him:
"What's that," he exclaimed. "Governor Crittenden dead?"
"Yes, he died early this morning," replied the man.
"I am his cousin, and I have just arrived in the city for a visit with him and his family. This is the first I've heard of his death."
Admiral Watson, who succeeded Dewey in command of the fleet at Manila, had been attending the convention of the Presbyterian general assembly in Denver. He was there as a delegate from Louisville, Ky., his him, and stopped off in Kansas City upon his return. He had been on the train for more than a day and consequently had missed the newspaper accounts of Mr. Crittenden's condition.
At the Crittenden home, the governor's half brother, Logan C. Murray of Kentucky, is expected today. Governor Crittenden and his brother and cousin had planned a family reunion to be held June 18, at the Crittenden home in Shelby county.