CAN'T BE MARRIED ON SUNDAY. ~ Young Couple From Smithville Compelled to Postpone.

June 14, 1909

Young Couple From Smithville Com-
pelled to Postpone.

"It's a blame shame people can't be legally married on Sunday because it is a legal holiday," Mark Pate of Smithville, Mo., remarked to his sweetheart, Lovie Burge, as the two left police headquarters last night. The young people arrived in Kansas City from Smithville with the intention of being married.

A trip to the court house to secure the license revealed to the pair that trouble was ahead of them. Some one directed them to the county jail, but the deputy marshals pleaded ignorance as to marriage licenses and recommended police headquarters. Arm in arm the couple entered the station and inquired for a license.

"Bonds are the only legal papers we handle," Lieutenant M. E. Ryan informed them.

Then the officers became interested in the young people and by suing the telephone finally reached the county recorder, but he refused to issue a license on Sunday. A minister had been tentatively engaged to perform the ceremony by Holly Jarboe, desk sergeant, who later commanded the order.

The Smithvillians left the station discouraged, but said they would secure a license early in the morning. They came to Kansas City to avoid the "cut-ups" of their home town.