CHILDREN PREACHED SERMON. ~ Unique Services Are Given at the Lutheran Church.

June 14, 1909

Unique Services Are Given at the
Lutheran Church.

Unique services were carried out at the Lutheran church, Thirty-seventh street and Wabash avenue, yesterday morning when the entire programme was placed in the hands of the children of the church.

The Rev. J. M. Cromer, the pastor, devised a sermon which was to be given in parts, and seven boys and seven girls delivered the message. The sermon was taken form the text: Beware of the mongrel dog."

James Gillettee, a 3-year-old, gave the address for the morning, which consisted of a recitation telling the members of the congregation they were to sit through a Children's day service.

Donald Scott gave the introduction of the sermon and the first phase, belonging to the mongrel dog, was told about by Shirley Glasscock. The dog was likened to the man who knew nothing of his parentage and cared less. Another side of the sermon had to do with the smiling, snapping dog, of which the congregation was warned. Then came the mad dog, being like angry men. The last of those phases dealt with the bulldog, whose stubbornness was so well copied by some men that it would be well to beware of them.

The sermon was preached by Shirley Glasscock, Eugene Feibler, Mandeville Zabriskie and George Gallet. Between each phase of the sermon a recitation was given by the following girls, in order: Tillie Neufer, Alleen Glasscock, Grace Robinson and June Baltis.

Robert Zimmerman gave an application of the sermon and Hazel Becker followed with an appropriate recitation . The talk preceding the offering was made by Earl Ocre and Nannie Owen sang a solo while the offering was being collected.