HE WILL CONTINUE THE "JR." ~ For Legal Reasons Mayor Crittenden Will Not Drop Affix.

June 4, 1909

For Legal Reasons Mayor Critten-
den Will Not Drop Affix.

For official and legal reasons Mayor Crittenden will continue the "Jr." affix to his name. It was generally presumed he would drop the "Jr." upon the death of his father, whose initials were the same.

"I would like to drop the 'Jr.' " said the mayor yesterday, "but I have been informed by my legal adviser that I must continue it so long as I remain mayor, for it was with that affix that I was elected. During my business career I also signed a large number of deeds of trust and conveyances with the 'Jr.' added, and I am told it would avoid any possible legal entanglements to hang on the handle."