Officers in Rosedale Put Abrupt End
to Her Brief Ride.
The hankering after horses of Rose Smith, a woman living at Thirtieth street and Southwest boulevard, who "just loves to drive," yesterday afternoon for the second time caused her arrest.
Rose climbed up on Thomas Murphy's hack, which was standing near Summit street on the Southwest boulevard, and whipping up the horses, drove away toward Rosedale. When Murphy came out of a store he discovered that his hack was gone, but he had no trouble in following. Rose was arrested in Rosedale by the city marshal, who delivered her to the Missouri officers.
"I just loves to drive horses," was the woman's explanation. "I wasn't going to steal them at all -- just out for a little drive."
Rose Smith was arrested in Kansas City, Kas., a month ago for undertaking a trip which differed very little from yesterday's feat. On the former occasion she took a horse and buggy.